More School More Smarts ?

  Once again we've read an article. The article was about does more time in school equal more smartness ?Most people agreed that more school does equal more smarts. In the article they claimed that becuase our parents are most likely not home when we get home from school so we are left un-surperviesd. Do to us being left un-supervised we are most likely to get in trouble. They said that longer school days will benefit the kids , the parents and society.

   I think that this is not a very good idea. The reason that I dont think that this is a good idea is because the idea of being in schoold more hours in dreadful. Okay sure being in school more hours will benefit us in education. Why do we need more hours of school ? If we learn all we have to learn during the eight hours that we do have school why do we need more hours ? Middle School is the time when we are suppose to be living our lives  , we're not suppose to always be in a classroom. I dont think this idea will work in the Bronx because teens ditch the eight hours we have of school.  Adding more hours , student will hardly show up because they'll feel its too much . 

More Schools,More Smarts

In this article it talks about how they think it would be a good idea for there to be longer school days and 30 more days in the school year.  They think by doing that it would decrease poor student achievement.  

I feel that this is unfair because it is bad enough we got that much hours of school and not enough hours to relax and rest.  I Know people might say ohh there is the weekend, but you didn't hear they want to start saturday school.  It is not going to stop poor academic skills it's just going to make it more bad than it already is.


My name is Jonathan and I'm in the 7Th grade. I'm going to talk about pollution and I hate pollution,because it kills a lot of people . I also have a problem with this because,the pollution can go in the water and you will never know what you are drinking.

Teen girls self-worth

This story is about a father who lost his daughter to society. She did the wrong thing. She went the wrong way and now her father is sad. Now the father doesn't want his other daughter to go down the same way. I think that the girl the father lost made a bad choice.

Teen girls self-worth

This story is about a father who lost his daughter to society. She did the wrong thing. She went the wrong way and now her father is sad. Now the father doesn't want his other daughter to go down the same way. I think that the girl the father lost made a bad choice.

Teen Girls Need Self Worh Lessons

      The article was about how now teen girls are out of control. How some girls have babies and they end up killing them. It was also about how they want parents to talk to their kids to tell them to be careful.

        I feel like this article was good and made a lot of sense. I think what the article was saying was a very good idea because some teens do very crazy things and they don't think before they do things. I feel like if parents do talk their kids they probably will listen to their parents or some teens are so hardheaded that they don't listen to their parents when they tell them what to do or what not to do.
       I think their idea will work because some kids do listen to their parents and some kids don't like I said above. At the same time i think the idea might not work because some teens parents don't care about what they child do or anything else. I also think it wouldn't work because some kids might act like they're listening to their parents but they are really thinking about what shoes they are going to wear to the party tonight or etc.

More School, More Smart

The article I read today was called "More School, More Smart", it was about how parents, teachers, the government and others grown ups think that students should spent more time in school learning then on vacations. The students don't agree with them because they say that "Its not fair for kids with high grades to have to suffer when we could be relaxing in the summer" and even some parents say " Increasing the school year would disrupt family vacations, or eat into time for camp, summer jobs and other valuable activities, critics charge.

I feel that the article is stupid because kids don't want to spent more time in school they want to have some time for vacations with their family and things like that. I think the idea is not good because kids do need to have some fun sometimes and stuff.

I thing that idea won't work in the Bronx because kids have to have some time for other stuff. If they put that idea in the Bronx more kids will start to drop out of school because if kids are dropping out of school now because they think the school year is long and they would start dropping out because it would be longer then what it already is.